A few months ago, April 1st 2014 to be exact, a photo challenge was started on Instagram. (Yes, I am on Instagram, under the name natureboundpagan.) Many fellow witches have probably heard of the challenge by now. If not, it's a good one, and I recommend doing it!
The challenge, titled "100 Magickal Days" was started by an online store called "Blessed Be Garden" (blessedbegarden.com IG name: BlessedBeGardenStore). Basically, for 100 days, you share a photo of something that is magickal to you. The idea is that as you are actively looking for something magickal to share, more magic will enter your life, and you will be able to live more in the present moment and appreciate the things in your life.
There is no prize for completing the challenge, or at least, no material prize. The reward you get for completing is the feelings of being more spiritually connected, happiness, peacefulness, better daily moods, and generally being more optimistic. It isn't a competition. It's a challenge, for you and you alone.
Photos can be entered on Instagram by adding #100magickaldays in the caption, by posting to
Blessed Be Garden's Facebook wall: Facebook.com/BlessedBeGardenStore, or via twitter @BlessedBeGarden.
More information on the challenge can be found on Blessed Be Garden's website:
I can honestly say, this is one of the best things I've done, and has bettered me greatly. With that in mind, I'd like to share my 100 Magickal Days with you.
Day 1: My studies as a pagan.
This collection of books, that I've shown you before is not all of my books, but a good chunk. They stay underneath my altar.
Day 2: My tarot deck. I have two decks, but I mainly use this one. I am in love with it! It's very accurate and positive. It was screaming my name in the store, so I just had to buy it. It stays with my books, underneath my altar. |
Day 3: My dreamcatchers. The far left one I handmade. The middle was a gift. The far right I've had since I was a child. |
Day 4: This stone. I'm not 100% sure what kind of stone it is. I found it floating in a lake in Michigan. It's very light weight. It sits on my altar. |
Day 5: My wand. I made this from a black walnut tree. It also has leather cord and some crystals on it. I also made a bag for it, which is the black and white cloth under it. Now it sits on my altar permanently. |
Day 6: My first tarot deck. I rarely use this deck because it sucks energy and is an energy clinger. It always needs to be cleansed and balanced. I did paint the box for them, which has helped with the energy issues. It now rests on my altar. |
Day 7: My rings. The black ring is my onyx protection ring. The green one I simply found and enjoyed. Unfortunately, I've lost some weight, so they need resized, but once they are, I'll wear them again! |
Day 8: My wax warmer. I like to use wax instead of incense, because there is no open flame. This is electric. That way, if I'm deep in meditation, I don't have to worry about something catching fire. Right now, pine is in it. |
Day 9: My spell cards. I handmade these. They're like recipe cards, but for spells. I plan to make a bunch and eventually sell them. |
Day 10: My Witch's Wishing Box. It was a gift from a friend. You write a wish on a piece of paper and put it in the box. It has been cleansed and blessed, and now sits on my altar. |
Day 11: My alabaster book ends. They cost me a pretty penny, but they were oh so worth it. I cleansed and blessed them, and they were displayed with my book in the art exhibition. Now they will sit on my piano and hold my music books. |
Day 12: My oil and herbal books. These were actually part of my research for my book, but they are also for my personal benefit as well. I'm big on natural remedies. |
Day 13: My mimosa tree. It was still pretty cold out when I took this photo, so it isn't in bloom. But I promise you, it's not dead. In fact, it is quite green and lushy now. I grew this from a seed about 10 or so years ago. The seed came from my grandmother's tree, so it is pretty special to me. I can still feel my grandmother's spirit coursing through the leaves. |
Day 14: My pentagram and goddess pendant. I wear them fairly regularly. They both have been cleansed and blessed. |
Day 15: My spider plant. This plant is....let me count...17 years old. That's an old plant! I planted it in a shoe when I was in kindergarden. Now look how big! |
Day 16: My dog, Trina. She's my familiar, and is 13 years old. She has a gorgeous blue tint to her eyes, and the vet says it may mean she'll go blind one day, but not yet! |
Day 17: My other dog, Luke. He's more of my child's familiar, as he is gentle and even playful with my child. He too is 13 years old. |
Day 18: New wax scents. Got them on clearance too! Now I can meditate with some relaxing aromas! |
Day 19: The book store. No, that sign does not lie. There really are 32 rooms of floor to ceiling books. A reader's paradise. |
Day 20: My graphic design and photography skills. I took this photo of a friend of mine, and with her permission, I post this photo. I also created the text and flame, as well as digitally enhanced the photo. I'm pretty impressed with the results. I think it turned out great! |
Day 21: Light magic. I took this photo back when I was in high school. It was my first experience with light magic. Talk about the world of magic being opened before my eyes for the first time! |
Day 22: My stripes. Yes, this is my belly. Yes, these are my pregnancy stretch marks. And I find them beautiful. |
Day 23: Thirty one pounds of blueberries. My family and I hand picked these blueberries in Michigan, years ago. We froze most of them at the time. Now we still use them, in salads, pies, yogurt, etc. |
Day 24: One of my biggest role models in life: Kevin Michael. He was my former philosophy professor, and opened my mind like never before. I miss this man so much. May he rest in peace. |
Day 25: This jar of cinnamon. It sits on my altar, and represents air (cinnamon = incense = air). |
Day 26: Recognition. After four years of university band, I received this plaque for my hard work and dedication. I am now the president of the university band. Woot! |
Day 27: This antler, which sits on my altar. I'm not sure when or where I got it, but I've had it since I was a child. I think my grandfather gave it to me. |
Day 28: My book. I am officially a published author. My book is about natural remedies for common ailments. Each remedy connects with one of the five senses. The book is over 70 pages long. I wrote and illustrated it in 5 months, after about 5 months of prior research. This was for my senior thesis, which I needed in order to graduate with my BA degree. |
Day 29: My gallery exhibition. My book was in the exhibition titled "Terms & Conditions" which opened May 3rd, 2014 and ran until June 6th, 2014. I used wood from my mimosa tree, cleansed/blessed alabaster stones, and of course, my book was all up for display. |
Day 30: This is a stone one of my uncles broke open. When he saw what was so beautiful inside, he had it polished. It sat in my grandmother's house for a long time. After she passed away, we brought it to our house. |
Day 31: My dog's memorial stone. My first dog was a loyal and very faithful dalmatian. This stone sits out in our garden. It has her name and death date on it. |
Day 32: The warm weather that is quickly approaching. Finally, I can go outside and enjoy myself without having to shake frost off of everything! |
Day 33: Friendship. This guy is like my brother. In fact, I introduce him as such. We've had a friendship of 8+ years now! |
Day 34: Raw stones. These are raw and unpolished. I found them in my backyard, further proving how much magic is out there. |
Day 35: Quality time with my child. There is no question about it. It's magickal. Here are some toddler doodles. See what I mean? MAGIC! |
Day 36: My novel. Yes. I'm writing a novel. I'm working on chapter fifteen. I've been working on it for over a year, and I have no idea when it will be finished. I'm not planning it at all. It's just kind of happening. |
Day 37: My runes. Yes, it's something you can buy at any book store. But it's a good starter kit. Runes are something I want to learn more about, and there's only one way to learn: DO IT! |
Day 38: Mother's Day. Being a mom is probably the most magickal thing in my life. I can go on and on in this list, and show you a million things I find magickal. But this one, right here, is better than all the rest. I love my child. My child is the most magickal thing in my life, and motherhood is the keeper of the magic! |
Day 39: My other mother. She's actually my best friend's mom, but she treats me like her kid, so I treat her like my mom...or at least, my "other" mom. Yes, I dropped a card off at her house for mother's day. It made her cry. |
Day 40: Long, thoughtful car rides. I love riding in the car. It gives me time to think, relax, and unwind. Sometimes I can even meditate a bit. |
Day 41: The special people in my life. These three girls are like my own daughters, and I love them as such. With their father's permission, I've posted their photos. There are more than just these three special people in my life, but for personal reasons, I do not post their photos. |
Day 42: My education. Yes, these are my grades for the Spring 2014 semester. I've been on deans list for two years straight now. I take my education seriously. Knowledge = magic. |
Day 43: Surviving a tornado. That's pretty magickal, right? |
Day 44: Jewelry making. I'm a well rounded artist. I love making boho-esque jewelry. I never sell any of it. It's so hard to part with my creations. |
Day 45: Followers on Instagram. I love my followers! They appreciate the things I post, and I believe many of them are the ones who visit my blog. I appreciate my blog followers too. You guys! I love ya! |
Day 46: The blooming spring! Finally warm weather hits, and the flowers are opening up! Everything is alive and thriving, hungry for sun and warmth after that long winter we had! |
Day 47: My dragon sign. It hangs above my window. I believe that dragons, at least, once existed. They may exist now as well. There are millions of species of animals that we have not discovered, so it is possible. And if they don't, and least I can imagine that they do. |
Day 48: Raw crystals and diamonds. I actually mined these in Alaska, while on a family vacation. They sit in a little clear box on my altar. Some of them still have rock and earth clinging to them. |
Day 49: My gingko pin. I bought this at a yard sale for a dollar. Gingkos are very precious to me, and this pin is worn on a regular basis. |
Day 50: My cup that sits on my altar and is occasionally used in rituals. I also bought it at a garage sale for a dollar. |
Day 51: More knowledge. I love finding old books on witchcraft. The majority of my books are second hand that I buy at second hand stores. They are always in good condition, and some of them are even signed by the author(s). They also usually have traces of their previous owner(s) still lingering on them, which makes me feel at home...gosh I need a coven. |
Day 52: Hidden Ohio maps. It's a map of haunted locations, big foot and UFO sightings, and other paranormal locations. |
Day 53: My tool box. Yes, it's pink and black. And awesome! I'm an artist, but I never know when I'm going to actually have to drill or hammer something. |
Day 54: My memorial shelf. It's more of an altar, paying tribute to my ancestors who have gone before me, and my first dog. Can't forget her! |
Day 56: My laptop sticker. This sticker was given to me by one of my closest and bestest friends. She's like my twin! The friendship I have with her is truly magickal. |
Day 57: The "Sweep" series by Cate Tiernan. This is a great series. It has 14 books, and I've been working on it over a year, but it's really good. I would recommend it. And, it's about a girl who discovers Wicca. |
Day 58: Dried roses. These roses are, I don't even know, how old. They are from my cousin's wedding, and there's a few from my grandparent's funeral. They are hanging in my room. I'm not sure why they are still there, but they do add some quirky magic to my room. |
Day 59: My athame. This doesn't stay on my altar. My altar is on top of a night stand, so it's low to the ground. I keep my athame on a high shelf, where I actually have to stand on my bed to get it. I have to keep my room safe, since I have a toddler running around! |
Day 60: My dragon collection. This isn't the whole thing. This isn't even half. I really have a thing for dragons. I believe they once, if not still do, exist. In fact, in high school, I wrote a paper for my English class, proving their existence. |
Day 61: My horseshoe. This hangs next to my bedroom door. It also has wheat and peppers on it, which is more of a folklore concept for good luck. |
Day 62: Out with the old, in with the new! I changed my Instagram name to match my blog. ObedientAngel was a name I used a lot in my past. But I've changed greatly, so it's only fitting that my identity changes as well. |
Day 63: A magickal birthday weekend. I went clubbing with my friend one night, and then went to the winery with my family the next. Being surrounded by family and friends it magickal, especially on your birthday weekend. |
Day 64: RAINN. The Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network is a magickal thing. I got my survivor necklace from them, and I wear it every day. I never take it off. In fact, I'm on my second one, because I wore out the first! |
Day 65: My birthday! What could be more magickal than that? |
Day 66: Killing bad habits. After realizing late one evening, that I had not eaten at all that day, I quickly fixed myself something to eat. I wasn't hungry, but I forced myself to eat. This was a huge wake up call for me. I struggled with an eating disorder in high school, and I didn't want to relapse. Relapsing is very easy, and many people don't even realize they're doing it. So my magickal moment was recognizing my relapse, and having the strength to fix it! |
Day 67: Surviving! I'm a survivor of rape, domestic abuse, depression, eating disorders, and self-hurting. Surviving is truly a magickal thing. I had a lot of help along the way, and the people who helped me will always have my gratitude and appreciation. |
Day 68: Healthy living. For 22 years, I've never eaten salad. That changed! I am proud to say that I have changed many things of my life for the better! I'm getting healthy both physically and mentally. I'm eating better, working out, cutting old/bad habits, and meditating! |
Day 69: This blog! You couldn't honestly think this baby of mine wouldn't make my list! Sharing my knowledge and experience is truly magickal! |
Day 70: The Apple support/repair team. These guys are truly magickal. After having extreme problems with my computer, I was met with understanding, and insane amounts of help from the Apple team. Thanks to them, I didn't lose my life's work! They are truly a blessing! |
Day 71: My offering plate. My offering plate sits on my altar, and holds my offerings/sacrifices that I give to my Goddess and God. Right now, it is holding a candle, which was my offering for Litha. |
Day 72: This vintage trinket box. My mother gave me this box. The lid has broken off, but I plan to fix it. It sits on my altar, but doesn't hold anything. That will change once the lid is fixed. |
Day 73: Another vintage trinket box. My mother gave me this trinket box as well. Right now, it sits on my altar and holds my matches. |
Day 74: My music trophies, and dedication. I've been playing music for over 13 years. I'm in awe of my own dedication when it comes to music. It is probably my longest lasting hobby. |
Day 75: This gingko leaf. Gingkos are very personal to me. In fact, I've branded myself with a logo of a gingko leaf. This particular one is dried, and rolled up, but it still sits on my dresser. |
Day 76: Trinket boxes. This little guy used to hold some broken jewelry that is still in desperate need of fixing. I might put him on my altar. Who knows. |
Day 77: Another trinket box. I seem to like trinket boxes. This one may find itself on my altar for some occasion in the future. |
Day 78: This beautiful gift. It is from an old friend whom had a terrible and ugly falling out with me. Inside is a hand written thank you note. I miss this girl, and still hold her very close to my heart. |
Day 79: Bone. This piece of bone sits on my altar. I found it while vacationing in Alaska. I'm not sure what it's from, but there's no doubt it's bone. |
Day 80: Tiger's Eye. This stone I've had for years. I no longer remember where I got it, but now it sits on my altar. |
Day 81: Fools gold. This too sits on my altar. The light from candle flames flickers off of it, adding a magickal glow. |
Day 82: Focus stones. My focus stone sits on my altar, as you've seen in some of my photos. It reminds me that while I am working with magic, I should stay focused on each step as well as my ultimate goal. |
Day 83: Spell casting. I did my first official spell the night before Litha. That was truly magickal! |
Day 84: Sage sticks. Great for cleansing, and the smell is absolutely amazing! Plus, burning it wards of mosquitos, so that's a bonus. |
Day 85: Rainbows. They are always proof that no matter how bad something is, beauty and peace always follows. It's a gentle reminder of the way life works. |
Day 87: The loyalty of my familiar. Dogs in general are very loyal and trusting. Despite how many times you hurt them, they always bounce back and give you unconditional love. It's admirable. I wish people were like that. |
Day 88: Cloud formations. This cloud formation I like to call an "orb." It is hiding the sun, so it's glowing beautifully. Some believe that cloud formations can tell the future. |
Day 89: New books. These books will be added to my collection of pagan research, and their knowledge will help me grow as a pagan and witch. We are always students; always learning and growing and developing. Enhancing your knowledge is always magical. |
Day 91: Arm raves. Apparently, when you wear as many bracelets on one arm as this, it's called an "arm rave." I love my arm rave. It expresses my personality perfectly, as well as add a little "tink" of music to my day! |
Day 92: Vanilla cupcake flavored goldfish crackers. Or more importantly, the sweeter things in life that I treasure even more since trying to eat healthy and lose weight. |
Day 93: Cleansing day! The dogs got a nice shave and a bath, as well as everyone and everything else in the house. I took the time to spiritually cleanse myself too! |
Day 94: My piano. This piano was given to me as a gift, from my former neighbors. It took more than four people to completely move it. Somehow, through the move, it managed to stay in tune quite well. I've always wanted a piano. |
Day 95: Mother Nature. For the longest time, I have wondered what my Goddess would look like. What form would she embody? This picture is my Goddess, in all her glory. Truly magickal. |
Day 96: The late blooming life in my own backyard. This rose is quite tiny, but makes up for its size with its beauty. Its fiery color always brightens up the backyard. |
Day 97: A lunar moth. This little fellow blessed me with his presence this past week. I was having a streak of bad luck when he showed up. I hear he is actually rare to see, so getting a chance to meet this guy, let alone take a photo of him, was quite magickal! |
Day 98: Reading in the open air, next to a nice campfire. In general, being outdoors and doing something you love to do, is always magickal. I often times find myself too busy to really sit down and enjoy a hobby, so when I do get those short spurts, it's always extra special. |
Day 99: The tiny frog we found while camping as a family. He is smaller than a quarter! My guess is that he is a spring peeper. I find him magickal, because he is so small and yet full of so much life that he can jump up to my knees! He is the perfect size for fairy folk! |
Day 100: This challenge. I have been dreading coming to the end of this challenge, which is why I put it off for so long. There were some things that for personal reasons, I couldn't photograph and share. Such as my house, my son, my family, and certain people in my life. This challenge has really helped me stay positive through some of the hardest times of my life. I'm going to continue this challenge even though I've already completed it. I don't want the magic to stop!
Hi there! I just recently discovered your blog and have read all of your postings. I consider myself to be Agnostic even though I grew up as a Presbyterian and still label myself as that (due to religious persecution). I am also a fan of the Sweep series and have lately been considering trying out Paganism. The whole idea of giving back to the Earth for what it has provided us is very appealing to me. I wish you well on your journey as I try to start my own.
ReplyDeleteHey! I hope you do check out Paganism, but it is more than just giving back to the Earth. It is about being connected to the Earth in mind, body, and spirit. There are many different branches of paganism, so I hope you find one that fits you the best! Good luck!