Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Pagan Experience - April Week 3

Deity and the Divine

My point in this blog was actually to discuss my Goddess and my God. 

In my very first blog post, I talk about what exactly I believe. You can read it here, but basically the spark notes version of the post is this:
  • I believe in 1 God and 1 Goddess
  • I believe the world was created through their sexual union
  • I believe my Goddess' domain is over nature, creativity, inspiration, the sense, and the general right side of the brain
  • I believe my God's domain is over logic, reason, mathematics, morals and the general left side of the brain
  • I believe people can have a closer relationship/connection to my Goddess or my God
  • I believe some people can have an equal relationship to both my Goddess and my God
It seems simple enough. But it has it rough spots. One of the rough spots I'm still trying to work out is my Goddess' and God's name, shape, form, etc. Many people have statues of their deities that help them focus their prayer and meditation. I don't, and I want it. I believe a visual reminder of my deities' presence will help me spiritually. Yes, I have my pentagram, and I can always use general goddess/god forms.

But even those are difficult for me to use... I know the foundations of my Goddess and my God, and what they are and what they reign over. But I don't know who they are. 

It sparked some interest and research on the subject, which has uncovered some interesting possibilities: 

  • Aluluei - an oceanic god, reign over knowledge and navigation. He has two heads, one to see where he is going, one to see where he has been.
  • Brighid - a celtic goddess, reign over healing and craftsmanship, patron of learning and poetry
  • Cernunnos - a celtic horned god, typical god among Wiccans and Druids, reigns over virility 
  • Lug - a celtic god of the sun, master of all arts and skill and crafts
  • Sucellus - a celtic guardian of the forests
  • Kupula - a slavic goddess of water, sorcery, and herbal lore
  • Mati Syra Zemlia - a slavic term translated to "moist mother earth," earth goddess
  • Orula - a santerian god of human destiny
  • Anshar and Kishu - mesopotamian god and goddess, parents to all other gods/goddesses, Anshar is god of the sky, Kishu is goddess of earth
  • Kingu - mesopotamian god, keeps the tablets of human destiny
  • Nabu - mesopotamian god of writing and speech, keeps records of human's actions and presents them at judgment time
  • Maat - mesopotamian goddess, earth mother, 
  • Atira - a northern native american goddess of earth
  • Thoume - a northern native american god, supposedly taught humans how to make love, clothes, and fire
  • Apollo - a greek god of light, prophecy, music, medicine, herbs,
  • Artemis - a greek goddess of childbirth, maidens, fertility
  • Gaia - a greek goddess, mother of all things, earth mother
  • Moros - a greek god of destiny, all other gods/goddesses are subject to him
  • Flora - a roman goddess of flowers and blooming plants
  • Janus - a roman god with two heads, represents past and future wisdom
  • Tellus Mater - a roman goddess of earth
  • Han Hsiang-Tzu - a chinese god, a scholar who studied magic most
  • Bast - an egyptian goddess of music, joy, and dancing, takes form of a cat
  • Thoth - an engyptian god of wisdom, music, magic, medicine, astronomy, geometry, surveying, art, and writing
  • Ganesh - a hindu god, depicted with an elephant head, reign over obstacles, beginnings, art, science, intelligence, and wisdom
  • Odin - a norse god of wisdom, wealth, inspiration, poetry, battle, hunting, magic, and prophecy
  • Pan - a greek nature god
These are just some of the many ancient pagan gods/goddess. I thought these were most similar to my Goddess, and my God. More can be found on this webpage.

Many of them sound very similar to one another, but none of them are exactly my Goddess, and my God. It is something I will have to discover for myself it seems.

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