Week 1: Resolutions
Spirituality (Spirit):
- Start a coven
- Become active in the pagan community
- Practice daily
Career and Work (Air):
- Find a full time job
- Find a job in my field of work
- Find a job I enjoy
Relationships (Fire):
- Have date nights
- Celebrate 1 year anniversary
- Get married
Health and Fitness (Water):
- Exercise daily
- Learn to love my body
- Get to 150 lbs
Home and Hearth (Earth):
- Pay all bills by myself
- Move out of my parent's house
- Decorate with spirituality
Week 2: Personal Practice
I am 21 years old, and almost starting a new for the umpteenth time in my life. Over the past summer, I did a lot of internal searching, for what, I’m still not sure. But I redefined my beliefs, realizing that I may not even be Wiccan, but that my beliefs ran parallel to it. Tis all well and good in the end as I would rather not be bound to one organized religion. I have my own way of praying, thinking, thanking, and living. I don’t wish for those things to be dictated by the set belief system of a given religion. So I’ve come to the point of simply saying I’m an Eclectic Pagan. It is about as far as I can simplify it. My views are very parallel to Wicca, and it is comforting to know that the past nine years of my life haven’t been in complete vain. I continue my studies of Wicca because quite frankly, I can still feel at peace with calling myself as such, despite the internal knowledge of knowing that I’m not 100% there.
This summer, after a lot of soul searching and redefining my faith and beliefs, the world became brighter, more colorful. I could see every shade of every color. I could see the colors combined to make new colors. Everything is beautiful and I’ve been in complete awe since.
The August after I redefined it all, for the first time, I prayed specifically to my Goddess. As I stood naked in the shower, the water falling warm, yet cool on my skin, I asked her to wash away my sins. I closed my eyes and imagined all the flaws, impurities and sins slipping down by body and then down the drain. I got out of the shower, not feeling much different. I was sad, hoping to feel lighter, happier, and I wondered if it had worked at all. I went to bed quiet and lost in my thoughts of my prayer.
Week 3: Deity and the Divine
The Goddess:
I believe the Goddess is the creator of right brain activities, such as art, music, nature, creativity, inspiration, etc. I believe that people who have an active right brain are closer to the Goddess than to other deities.
Week 4: A and B
- Athame
- Alchemy
- Altar
- Amulet
- Arcana
- Aura
- Astral
- Astrology
- Abracadabra
- Attune
- Augury
- Bonfire
- Bane
- Banish
- Beltane
- Besom
- Binding
- Blessed Be
- Bloodstone
- Bloodmoon
- Bolline
- Black
- Book of Shadows
- Broom
- Broom Closet
- Burning Times